About us

The Black Canvas Contemporary Film Festival first edition comes from the need of showing different narrative and aesthetic perspectives through new cinematographic proposals, genres, styles and nationalities. Facing the wave of an emerging cinema and the vast cinema production in a world that needs from different projection spaces. Being one of the festival’s goal to create an environment in which the audiences have a bigger understanding of the work, creating deep bonds with the filmmakers and setting up new audiences on Mexico City. The type of movies that the festival pretend to project, shows peculiar visions, fictions and realities that face human beings since different perspectives and stories.

The Black Canvas Contemporary Film Festival pretends to let loose to everything we are but we afraid to accept. To confront it by cinema using images and situations that makes us confront ourselves and verify that we are more than we believe and the mind plays deeper than we feel. As well as assimilate another surroundings and forms of thinking that take part of the mosaic of pictures of the world.

We want to scream and Black Canvas is the megaphone with which we will be able to hear the voices that pretend to never shut again being already a part of the cinema history on one way or another.